Friday, July 24, 2009

Little ladies watching Disney

Natalie was hanging with the North Carolina Creason cousins while we were in Atlanta for David Grinnell's wedding. Here are two quick pictures of them watching TV together...

From left to right... Elena, Natalie, Emily and Lily

New web address:

Apparently, our domain name at expired and another company snatched it up before I realized it had expired. We are changing the web address to

Sorry for the change! I'll make sure to renew it in the future so we don't have to change it again.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Learning to say 'cheee'

Natalie was sitting in my grandfather's school chair today, reading magazines from the mail. She can now climb up and sit in the chair by the window, reading just like her Mom and Dad.

I told her to say 'cheese' and got 'cheeee....'